New York City Property Tax Rates

  • March 26, 2022
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New York Property taxes differ substantially between the city of New York and indeed the rest of the state. New York City state Property tax rates are actually rather modest. The estimated average property tax rate in Big Apple is just 0.88 %, which is far more than half the statewide average of 1.69 %. In fact, several counties in New York (outside of New York City) have rates that surpass 2.50 %, which is far more than double the national average of 1.07 %.

However, those reduced rates do not always imply that city residents pay less than in comparison to other regions of the state. Given Manhattan’s soaring real estate values, the average property owner pays $8,980 in annual property taxes, whereas the statewide average payment is $5,732.

Continue reading this article to gain insight and learn more about New York property tax rates, as well as if it is worthwhile to sell your home this year.

New York City Property Tax Rates

Property Tax Rates In New York City

The state of New York tax rates are used to calculate the value of your house. On your property tax bill, you will see a variety of different rates, including rates for your school district, city, special districts, and county. There could be additional special charges for tax districts in some places to support projects or services such as parks and libraries.

Each year, rates are revised based on the total value of the property in a tax district (the tax base) and the portion of income required by the tax authority as per the property tax system. Property tax increases in most districts are limited to the lower of 2% or the rate of inflation, thus rates don’t vary significantly from year to year. However, that cap can be overcome by a 60% majority of a local government board or district voters.

In New York, real estate tax rates are expressed in mills or millage rates of real property. A mill is equivalent to one dollar of tax for $1,000 of property value. Since these can be a bit confusing, it’s also a good idea to look at effective tax rates. These would be the actual tax payments made as a proportion of the home’s value.

As a taxpayer, your tax class determines your NYC property tax rate. There are four types of taxes:

  • Class 1 (One-Three Family Homes)
  • Class 2 (Condominiums, Cooperatives, and Rental Building Apartments)
  • Class 3 (Special Franchise Properties and Utilities)
  • Class 4 (Commercial Properties)

New York City finalized the real estate tax rates for the fiscal year 2021/22, which began on July 1, 2021, and ends on June 30, 2022. Rates for Class 2 residential properties are decreasing, while rates for Class 4 nonresidential buildings (i.e., commercial) are increasing.

The following table compares annualized tax rates for fiscal years 2020/21 and 2021/22:

The tax Year 2020/21The Tax Year 2021/22
Class 1 (1-3 family residential)21.045%19.963%
Class 2 (4 or more family, condos, co-ops)12.267%12.235%
Class 3 (utility property)12.826%12.289%
Class 4 (nonresidential)10.694%10.755%

Source: jdsupra

The new tax rates were not in effect when the tax reform was passed on July 1, 2021. Following tax bills will be modified to account for the changes. The tax rates applicable for the 2nd half of the tax year 2021/22, commencing with the tax bill due January 1, 2022, are as follows:

July 1, 2021 RatesJanuary 1, 2022 Rates
Class 1 (1-3 family residential)21.045%18.881%
Class 2 (4 or more family, condos, co-ops)12.267%12.203%
Class 3 (utility property)12.826%11.752%
Class 4 (nonresidential)10.694%10.816%

Source: jdsupra

Tax Rate By County (New York)

The State of New York does have a 4% state sales tax and permits local authorities to obtain a 4.875% local choice sales tax. There are 640 local tax authorities in the state, with a median local tax of 4.254%. 

The greatest sales tax rate in New York is 8.875% when added with the state sales tax in the cities of Brooklyn, New York, Bronx, Staten Island, and Flushing (and 54 other cities). The following table indicates the median effective tax rates in New York State for each county:

Tax Rate By County (New York)

Source: smartasset

Whilst other taxes in New York City are relatively high (such as sales and income taxes), the city’s property tax rates are really quite modest. Many New Yorkers pay considerably less than the existing low rates would imply due to a variety of property tax exemptions set by the City council, helping ease the tax burden.

If you are eligible for an exemption or abatement, you may be able to decrease your tax liability. Disabled Homeowners Exemption, the Veterans Exemption, the Senior Citizens Homeowners Exemption, and The School Tax Relief (STAR) Exemption, are among the exemptions offered.

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    Will New York City Reduce Property Tax Rates by 2023?

    According to the preliminary assessment roll Fiscal Year 2023, the overall market valuation of all the New York City (NYC) assets amounts to $1.398 trillion, with an 8.2% increase over the FY 2022. The taxable chargeable appraised value in the city climbed by 8.1% reaching $277.4 billion, which would be the proportion of market value towards which the tax rates are imposed. 

    Real estate values for the Fiscal Year 2023 represent real estate operations that occurred from January 6, 2021, to the taxing status date of January 5, 2022. Since the State’s economy has still been recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak, Fiscal Year 2023 values rose from the previous year but remained lower than the Fiscal Year 2021 costs for a lot of properties.

    “Over the last year, our city’s economy has had an inconsistent recovery, which is evidenced in the Fiscal Year 2023 provisional assessment roll,” stated Preston Niblack, New York City Commissioner (DOF) Department of Finance. “While retail and office lease activity has increased in previous quarters, in addition to hotel occupancy, general office occupancy had decreased dramatically, and the lack of guests and workers suggests that hotels and retail businesses are still struggling.” The housing market, on the other hand, is showing indications of recovery, with rents and prices rising once more.”

    The roll indicates total construction projects in the city, with a market value increase of $9.2 billion. Queens, Brooklyn, Albany, and Manhattan contributed for 83.5 percent of overall building operations in the city, with The Bronx experiencing the greatest percentage increase in housing development among the boroughs, with 1.1%.

    Should You Sell Your House in New York City

    Should You Sell Your House in New York City?

    Buyers have been flocking to buy homes since mortgage rates fell to record low levels in 2020. If you put your house on the market in 2022, there’s a decent chance someone will buy it. However, it isn’t the only incentive to sell in the new year. Here are three more reasons why you should put your house on the market.

    1. You might not have to pay a premium for workplace proximity any longer.

    You may have acquired an expensive property in the past to reduce your travel time to work. However, many individuals have been working remotely for about two years at this point, and firms are beginning to evaluate whether employees truly need to turn up to an office.

    2. House costs are exorbitant.

    According to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, home prices in the United States increased by 18.5% in the third quarter of 2021. Home prices are likely to stay high far beyond 2022. As a result, once you advertise your property, you have a good chance of making a good profit.

    3. There isn’t much competition.

    We began the new year with a property market that’s severely depleted of inventory. As a result, If you put your house on the market, you won’t face much competition. This might pave the way for a rapid sale at a price you’re comfortable with.

    Due to low inventory, your house may end up in a bidding war. This might result in you receiving a significantly greater price beyond your original asking price.


    Analysts in the housing business predict that 2022 will be a year of continued high demand and growing house prices. After a frenetic year with many interested buyers and few houses on the market, the housing shortage is projected to endure, albeit progressively lessening.

    If you’re debating whether to sell, you have a few options: You may list your home for sale immediately to capitalize on current demand since now could be the best time of the year to sell your house. You may either wait to see how inflation and interest rates affect housing (which may result in a missed opportunity), or you can choose to stay in your existing property for the near future.

    You may be concerned about how difficult it is to sell a property in New York, and you may be wondering “Who will buy my house in Queens?” When selling a house to a buyer, you may want to explore other options; selling to cash home buyers in New York may be the best option.

    If you want a cash transaction and are willing to accept a lesser sale price in order to sell your property swiftly in “as-is” condition, look for a broker that can link you with organizations that buy homes in Queens. Fortunately, we buy houses in Brooklyn.

    Cash house buying firms will present you with an offer for your property, and you’ll have to decide whether or not to accept it. Except for the trouble of engaging with a lender, the remainder of the procedure is similar to a typical real estate transaction.